If you really serious about starting your own online business you need a website. As you probably already know whether you are starting one page site or authority blog it needs to be stored and published in Internet. Web hosting service allows your website or webpage to be viewed. It’s major for every temporary online […]
Pros and Cons of Modified Bitumen Roofing
Modified Bitumen Roofing – What Is It? Modified bitumen roofing has been used on small and large roofs for over a century. The roofing system consists of one or more layers of polymer bitumen membranes. Bitumen membranes are made of bitumen compund with polymers added to them and have reinforcement, usually from polyester or […]
Key Factors Influencing the Condition of a Flat Roof With Modified Bitumen
You must be exact and entirely confident of your choices as a business owner. And if you are a property owner, this includes the commercial roofing problems. Numerous roofing systems are unquestionably offered on the market these days. Despite this, as a very busy entrepreneur, you need to be able to identify the appropriate materials […]
Success Is A Journey
“It’s not what you have but what you do with what you have that separates winners from loosers.” Brian Tracy Everyone has his own personal journey. Sometimes you just need to hear the right piece of motivation to get started. Watch this inspirational video of Brian Tracy. 7 Rules you can apply to any challenge: […]
9 steps to make bold decisions without overthinking it.
Don’t stick into analysis Set up time limits Do it with maximum acceleration Take the decision which satisfied you now, tomorrow and 10 years from now. Write down your goals Make to do and not do lists (Make costs benefits analysis) Find out how others solved the same problem in the past Ask your […]
second sample
This is an example of a WordPress post, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many posts as you like in order to share with your readers what is on your mind. This is an example of a […]
The Six Human Needs
1. Certainty: assurance you can avoid pain and gain pleasure 2. Uncertainty/Variety: the need for the unknown, change, new stimuli 3. Significance: feeling unique, important, special or needed 4. Connection/Love: a strong feeling of closeness or union with someone or something 5. Growth: an expansion of capacity, capability or understanding 6. Contribution: a sense of […]
Core values
Step 3–Identify three or four brief sentences of advice you would give to yourself based upon these commonalities. Step 4–Next try and reduce them to a few words. For example: If your advice is: “Don’t overindulge in food and booze at parties and get in trouble,” reduce that down to Keep Control Through Moderation, or […]
how to become mentally strong
Как можем да подобрим психическата си сила? Без значение какви са целите ни, изграждането на психическа сила е ключът към разгръщане на нашия човешки потенциал. В основата на психическата сила стоят три базови фактора и всеки от нас може да ги управлява, казва Ейми Морин, психотерапевт, лектор и автор на бестселъра 13 Things Mentally Strong People […]
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